pretty greens & crazy scenes


ev⋅o⋅lu⋅tion   /ˌɛvəˈluʃən or, especially Brit., ˌivə-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ev-uh-loo-shuhn or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-]–noun 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the hominid cuzino...shit, its a work in progress...

Where Do All The Formerly-Crazy People Find Internet Dates?

Well, thats half a lie of a title. I'm still crazy. I just happliy link it nowadays to a functional, lovely omniscience with an aire of wellness. I liken it in the way that alcoholic is always an alcoholic, even if sober for years. Yep, still crazy. In moderation, and with intent. (Can I get my fucking gold coin now already?)...Internet dating: I don't understand where I fit in. The following is a short synopsis of the people I have met while internet dating: Mr. Manic Depression, Mr. Bipolar Disorder (but only sometimes), Mr. Promiscuous Hepatitis C (alias: "the sexter"), Mr. Make-It-All-Better, Mr. Loud-Chewing-Noises-And-Weird-Sniffing-Tic, Mr. I-Cleverly-Photoshopped-My-Harelip-Out-Of-My-Profile-Pictures, Mr. I'll-Refer-To-You-Only-As-"Fuckface" and "Bitchmouth"-From Here On Out (he was a therapist)...YES, all these men truly exist, and YES, I have actually gone out on dates with all of them. question...where do the FORMERLY crazy people all go to find dates when theyre almost 30 and their biological clock is ticking and they want a date and a longterm relationship but dammit also just want to get laid with another formerly (possible never-at-all) crazy person GO? be continued


Beth said...

Fancy that, I started a blog too! Though I get the sense already that yours will be much more interesting.

Don't lose hope, I got myself a husband online and we seem to be the perfect compliment to each other's crazy. There's someone out there for you, you're too sexy to ignore.

Anonymous said...


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